While Aubrey is a little to young to get into it, Katelynn just LOVES to pretend like she's in the kitchen baking! I try to do as much as I can while they're in school or asleep, but sometimes our schedules get hectic and the baking has to interfere with "mommy" time. When Katelynn sees me in the kitchen, she runs to her pretend kitchen and pulls out all her supplies! She's gotten lots of really great baking "toys" over the last few months (Melissa & Doug has fabulous cookie, cupcake and cake baking sets) so she hauls them into the kitchen and sets up shop at the table while I'm baking. Aubrey, of course, is tagging along...following in her big sister's every footstep...wanting to do everything Katelynn does!
Unfortunately I'm usually elbow deep in flour or powdered sugar to get pics of Katelynn pretend baking, but we did let her have free range when it came to decorating Santa's cookies...and here's her works of art. She was SO proud and had the best time doing it!
Aubrey is such a little trooper...she'll let us dress her up in anything! It usually doesn't hurt if Katelynn is participating. That girl will do ANYTHING if her big sister is too!
Can't wait till they're both old enough to help me in the kitchen!! I sure hope they love to bake/decorate as much as I do...Lord knows I can use the help!!
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